In May of 2014, Dan joined CNBC’s Market Makers to discuss Sprint’s push for mobile, high-fidelity music on wireless devices. Watch this insightful conversation below.
Discussing digital music and wireless with Bloomberg Market Makers
May 2014
A Unique Perspective on Business Leadership.
In May of 2014, Dan joined CNBC’s Market Makers to discuss Sprint’s push for mobile, high-fidelity music on wireless devices. Watch this insightful conversation below.
Discussing digital music and wireless with Bloomberg Market Makers
May 2014
Democrats and Republicans agree on something: the behavior they wish to see exhibited by US corporations.
On Tuesday, non-profit JUST Capital released its rankings of America's 100 largest companies based on how "JUST" they are. JUST Capital surveyed tens of thousands of Americans about the behaviors they want to see from companies they buy from, invest in and work for. The results between Democratic and Republican respondents were remarkably consistent.
In a nutshell, Americans believe that American companies put too much emphasis on only one stakeholder: shareholders. They believe that shareholders are important stakeholders, but workers, customers, the environment and communities are even more important. JUST capital used the American people's definition of JUST and collected hard data from a variety of sources to determine how US companies are performing with respect to these criteria.
For more on the JUST 100, watch below. Jim Cramer of CNBC's Mad Money interviewed Dan about the JUST Capital rankings.
To read the rest of Dan's thoughts on the #JUST100, clickthrough to Dan's LinkedIn post.