
Leadership, Podcast

Success in Life Comes from Teaching Others: Interview with Kansas City Chiefs Head Coach Andy Reid

In this episode The Mentors Radio Host Dan Hesse talks with Andy Reid, Head Coach of the Kansas City Chiefs, about Andy’s philosophy that success in life comes from teaching others. Winning two Super Bowls as the head coach of the Kansas City Chiefs, Andy Reid trails only Bill Belichick in career victories among active NFL coaches. His Chiefs have won seven consecutive AFC West titles and hosted five consecutive AFC championship games. He’s considered an offensive mastermind, seems to be well-liked by everyone, and 11 NFL head coaches were mentored by Andy as branches on his famous “coaching tree.” 

Listen to the recorded conversation below. You can find show notes and past episodes at the home of The Mentors Radio.

Listen Live at 1 pm PST each Saturday on the SALEM Radio Network (860 The Answer, San Francisco), and worldwide on iHeartRadio & TuneIn Radio.

This episode and past shows can also be found on your favorite PODCAST platform, like Apple, Google, Stitcher, Tune-In or Spotify, or at


Finding Your Ideal Career, with NBA Deputy Commissioner and COO Mark Tatum

In this episode of The Mentors Radio, host Dan Hesse talks with Mark Tatum, Deputy Commissioner and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Tatum oversees the NBA’s global business operations. But Mark didn’t find his ideal career — one he loves — right out of the box. He just never stopped being his best self throughout his career…and his career insights and wisdom is excellent, as you’ll hear. Learn how a young man born in Vietnam during the war to a black serviceman and Chinese mother was educated at Cornell and Harvard – and worked at Procter & Gamble, Clorox and Pepsi, but he found his calling and ideal career in sports management, where he has played a key role in fostering innovation and building the NBA’s global brand. His favorite quote, “Find your passion and pursue your dreams.”

Listen to the recorded conversation below and find more show notes and past episodes at the home of The Mentors Radio.


Listen Live at 1 pm PST each Saturday on the SALEM Radio Network (860 The Answer, San Francisco), and worldwide on iHeartRadio & TuneIn Radio.

This episode and past shows can also be found on your favorite PODCAST platform or at


Leadership Principles for Life, Business, Military and More with Robert A. McDonald

In today’s episode, The Mentors Radio Host Dan Hesse talks with Robert (Bob) McDonald, former U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs, remarkable former Chairman, President and CEO of The Proctor & Gamble Company, and a U.S. Army Veteran who served with distinction in the 82nd Airborne Division.

Few have been trained in leadership at an elite military academy such as West Point and then applied and evolved their leadership skills throughout their careers across the “grand slam” of organization structures: Military, government, Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), and the private sector as has today’s guest mentor, Robert A. (Bob) McDonald.

Bob was nominated by President Obama to serve as the eighth Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA) where he led the VA and its roughly 400,000 employees on an ambitious transformational journey to become a world-class service provider and the No. 1 customer-service agency in the Federal government to give Veterans consistent, high-quality experiences.
Before joining the VA, Bob was Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of one of the world’s largest companies, Procter & Gamble (P&G). During his tenure, P&G was widely recognized for its leader development prowess, with Chief Executive Magazine naming P&G the best company for developing leader talent.

Listen to the recorded conversation below. You can find show notes and past episodes at the home of The Mentors Radio.


Listen Live at 1 pm PST each Saturday on the SALEM Radio Network (860 The Answer, San Francisco), and worldwide on iHeartRadio & TuneIn Radio.

This episode and past shows can also be found on your favorite PODCAST platform, like Apple, Google, Stitcher, Tune-In or Spotify, or at

Interview, Podcast, Leadership

Mike Milken on a Life’s Mission: Finding Faster Cures for Serious Disease

In this episode of The Mentors Radio, Host Dan Hesse talks with Michael Milken, whose lifelong commitment to finding faster cures for terminal illnesses, including cancer, has help improve the lives of countless children, adults and families over the past 50 years.

Mike’s book, Faster Cures: Accelerating the Future of Health, is his memoir of his work in this regard and is well-worth the read. This work, however, has paralleled his revolutionizing of capital markets by pricing and rewarding risk more efficiently, ultimately helping to create millions of jobs. Mike Milkin has been uniquely successful in creating value, whether measured in lives saved (Fortune magazine called him “The Man Who Changed Medicine”), students inspired (Forbes said he is an education visionary) or jobs created.

A UC-Berkeley grad with highest honors and an MBA from Wharton where he was a Joseph Warton fellow, Mike and his wife, Lori, have been married 55 years and are proud of their three children and 10 grandchildren (so far). Hang on to your seats for a fast-paced, engaging, innovative and absolutely inspiring interview with plenty of “nuggets” that will help you to lead YOUR best life!

Listen to the recorded conversation below. You can find show notes and past episodes at the home of The Mentors Radio.


Listen Live at 1 pm PST each Saturday on the SALEM Radio Network (860 The Answer, San Francisco), and worldwide on iHeartRadio & TuneIn Radio.

This episode and past shows can also be found on your favorite PODCAST platform, like Apple, Google, Stitcher, Tune-In or Spotify, or at


An Interview with Paul Hobbs, the “Steve Jobs” of Wine | The Mentors Radio

In this episode, The Mentors Radio host Dan Hesse talks with guest mentor Paul Hobbs, dubbed “The Steve Jobs of Wine” by Forbes magazine. A third generation farmer, raised in upstate New York, Paul wanted nothing to do with farming as a teen and decided to follow his great-grandfather and pursue a career in medicine. He earned his B.S. in Chemistry at Notre Dame (UND) and was accepted into medical school. That’s the point at which mentors intervened, including his father, ultimately encouraging him to pursue a different path. Their advice made sense to Paul and he moved to California, graduating from University of Davis three years later with a Masters of Science in Viticulture and Enology. His winemaking adventure had begun.

Listen to the recorded conversation below. You can find show notes and past episodes at the home of The Mentors Radio.

Listen Live at 1 pm PST each Saturday on the SALEM Radio Network (860 The Answer, San Francisco), and worldwide on iHeartRadio & TuneIn Radio.

This episode and past shows can also be found on your favorite PODCAST platform, like Apple, Google, Stitcher, Tune-In or Spotify, or at